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WGM Worlds 2014: Changes approved for Constitution, Championship Rules & Measurement Guidelines

At the WGM held 14th February 2014 at Takapuna NZ the following changes to Championship Rules, Constitution & Measurement Certificates were approved. Copies of all updated documents can be found on the IACA website under the IACA Menu (Championship Rules & Constitution) & A-Cat Menu (Calculation Forms & updated Measurers Guidelines)

A-Cat first rides in Argentina

Although the Class is already present in South America (Brazil for some time now), we didn´t had any A-Cat in Argentina, where a strong F18 has been developed since 2006. This F18 fleet is the only local Multihull racing Class and its members have put lots of hours and investment to get a renown fleet among a previously entire monohull sailing community , this work was crowned in 2013 with the confirmation of the 2016 F18 Worlds at Buenos Aires.

Letter from the IACA Committee

Letter by the IACA Committee--

There has been much written in the social media and numerous emails between interested parties since the WGM in New Zealand about the outcome of the Rule 8 vote and the future direction of the class. The IACA committee is elected by the members and hopefully acts in the best interest of the class.

Takapuna aftermath: Interview with IACA President Andrew Landenberger

The Class is experiencing some special breakthrough times. Last year we saw new equipment developments pushed by the ACup and previous attempts in the Class that aimed to get the boats airborne within current rules to reduce surface drag and get faster boats. At the 2013 Barcelona Europeans we saw a nice mix of weather conditions and this new setup didn´t demonstrated the superiority finally exposed at Takapuna Worlds. The results at the Worlds forced an overnight  seconds thoughts on foiling  not being an all mighty winning card in the A-Class.

Takapuna Worlds Outcomes

We are preparing an interview with the Class President, Andrew Landenberger, to get an insight on the racing at Takapuna. Landy finished 4th at the end, sailing a standard floating mode A-Cat. He had a prvileged view and personal experience on the impact of the foiling As.

We will review performance & techncal aspects and which alternatives the Class has for the future, after what happened at last Worlds.

Worlds @Takapuna: Letter from the President

Letter by Andrew Landenberger , IACA President.

Dear A class members,

Another A class world championship has passed with great success. Despite early concerns about the preparations in Takapuna, the Event management team of Kerry Ellis and Evelyn Johnson along with there large team did a wonderful job to put on a fantastic event. Of course all were thanked sincerely during the official closing for there hard work.