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French Nats 2014: Day 2, Francois Gabart leads, Besson 2nd

Francois Gabart has some pedigree in the sailing World: Vendee Globe winner, former Tornado sailor, 4th at F18 Worlds 2013 after chances for the title. This year he focused also in the A-Class after, he is now leading the A-Class French Nats 2014. He will be also present at Bordeaux to defend local colours.

Second place for Billy Besson , another top World Class sailor and current Nr1 helm in the F18 and Nacra 17 Olympic Class

French Nats 2014: Day 1, Jean Louis Le Coq leads

The French Assoc is showing the health of the Class towards the Europeans coming next June 21st.
Top renown local sailors like Francois Gabart & Billy Besson are racing at La Baule. Nice work by the French Assoc.
Hervé Ledue reports: "53 boats participating Cercle Nautique La Baule.
3 Races were held in ideal racing conditions, 10-14Knots.
Top 3 after Day 1 are Jean Le Coq, François Gabart & Luc Catineau. Hervé Ledue 6, Billy Besson 7.
Great sailing and a successful event within weeks from the Europeans at Bordeaux."

Italy: Another win for Luca Maffessoli at Sunset Trophy, Calambrone

Report sent by Pier Faccin - Calambone, May 19th 2014
Calambrone (PI): 12th Sunset Trophy in Calambrone; Luca Maffessoli wins again.
After his victory at Vele di Pasqua, Luca Maffessoli from Associazione Nautica Sebina wins the 12th Sunset Trophy, 3rd stop of the National Italian A Cat calendar. 34 crews took part in this race, which was organized by Centro Vela Sunset.

North Americans 2014: June 09-14 @Sail North Carolina

Last year Matt Struble won the 2013 Nats at the ABYC in San Diego. This year the event will be held by Sail North Carolina and is being supported by Harken & Gunboat among others. The US class has shown a good work developing the class, specially at the 2012 Worlds when they gathered 120 As. For this year Nats 60 boats are expected. Image ABYC.

NOR, forms & Entry list at

Italy: Bracciano National Regatta for Daniele Menegatti

Report sent by Pier Faccin - Bracciano, May 7th 2014
Bracciano (RM): Daniele Menegatti won the Italian National Regatta organized by Associazione Velica Bracciano.

The total absence of crews from the northern regions of Italy, as well as from Tuscany and Sicily caused a low amount of participants at this event. Guilty were the forecast of awful weather. Some crews from Cesenatico and Porto Corsini decided to join anyway, so the event finally had count totally 14 sailors.

Swiss Assoc: 'Criterium Regatta' 2014 for Sacha Wallmer

All Images by Nicole Meylan -- 19 boat fleet at Club Nautique de Versoix for the 5th Annual Criterium A-Cat & M3 Regatta.

Tight fight for the podium with Sascha Wallmer not scoring any bullet but his consistency with five 2nds out of seven races gave him the 1st place.
2nd overall for Jonsson Kristoffer 1pt behind and 3rd for Sandro Caviezel.
Thanks to Dominik Peikert for the regatta link that reports they had 7 races in perfect weather conditions.
With Sascha and Sandro using the new Scheurer J-boards.

UK: Kielder 'A' Class Cat TT and Dam To Dam Race 2014

Report sent by Gordon Upton:
Thanks to Adrian Langford for the photos.

"Because the club was so welcoming and friendly last year, and the beer was so magnificently cheap, ten heroic 'A' cat sailors and the occasional accompanying WAG, ventured to the grim North on our pilgrimage to Kielder Water and the most remote sailing club in the UK, over the Mayday Bank Holiday.