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Grand Prix l'Armistice 2014 @Bordeaux: Jean Louis le Coq 1st

24 boat fleet at Cercle Voile Bordeaux for the Grand Prix l'Armistice 2014. The CVB held the 2014 Europeans with great success this past June with more than 100 A-Cats in the starting lineup.
Jean Louis le Coq scored another season win followed by Jean Darnaude and Thierry Boisbouvier.

Full Results below & at…

Builders Development Status

The Class is experiencing a transition where builders are developing to optimize their new foil designs, and sailors are trying to learn new techniques to take advantage of these setups.

This article intents only to depict current status quo and do not defines any thought of line, neither from the Class or their officials. As an Editor of IACA's website I've been very careful this year on developing articles due to the transition and rules discussions, but it is time to start showing again what is going on with Class development under current rules..

UK, Grafham Open 2014: Chris Field 1st

Report by Gordon Upton / British Assoc

Grafham Water Cat Open 2014 - The view from the 'A' Class Fleet.
"Building on the momentum of the numbers we managed at the Nationals, 15 'A' Class travellers went to Grafham for their annual cat open, and the final BACCA ranking event of the year. The forecast for the weekend was to be 'breezy' according to the BBC weatherman, and he was spot on.

Q&A with Jason Waterhouse

I interviewed Jason Waterhouse on his current Olympic campaign and of course we went for his experience on the A-Class debut at Bordeaux, where he finished second behind Glenn Ashby.
Glenn has been dominating the A-Class for years now and Jason is willing to challenge him, he will receive soon his own A in Australia to start his training for Punta Ala 2015 Worlds, showing he got hooked sailing & racing in the Class. Image: Paula Kopylowicz.
Q&A Jason Waterhouse

Exploder BA Session

After the DNAs arrived in 2013, now is the Exploder's turn. Sunday ride at Buenos Aires. Building fleet , and bringing newcomers to the Class like Pablo Volker, F18 Sailor & 420 World Champ who had his first A-Class session. Also Julio Saubidet, F18 sailor & former Windsurf Olympic campaigner. Esteban Daneri & Sergio Mehl sailing their boats after Bordeaux Europeans.

Worlds 2015 @Punta Ala: Confirmed dates, September 5 - 12.

The 2015 A-Class World Championships will be held at Punta Ala, Italy. This year the Italian Nats were held in the same venue: - Image left taken at Punta Ala by Serena Scary.

The confirmed dates for the event are September 5-12, 2015.

For more info on the location, winds, transportation and hotels check Punta Ala presentation we published at (Also attached below)