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Up to date measurement guides by Graeme Harbour, IACA Technical Committee Chair.

Letter sent by Graeme Harbour to National Associations and local Measurers. Important & useful info for incoming season and current equipment development, read along Measurement Guidelines:

Dear Measurers,

The purpose of this email is to try and bring everyone up to date on any measurement issues and to make sure we all adopt a common approach to undertaking boat measurement on new equipment and equipment inspection at championships.

Our rules have taken a bit of battering of late, however they are what we have and what we must abide by. Hopefully you will all be aware of our Measurers’ Guidelines that are published on the IACA website: ,
these guidelines really do cover the way we look at things and should cover most issues.

The Technical Committee is also available for any concerns not covered. Recently a boat builder took some of our interpretations to ISAF for clarification. ISAF agreed with the Technical Committee’s findings and dismissed his request. This ISAF information is also available on the IACA website:

What I would like to do is to bring you up to date on my recent experiences as measurer at the New Zealand Worlds last year and more recently the Australian Championships in Queensland. Hopefully what I encountered may help you during the coming season.

*Boat length & width, this is hull and rudder gudgeons only, other fittings attached to hulls such as foot straps, inspection ports, external transom reinforcement etc. must fit within measurements. ISAF has confirmed this.

*All masts must have a band of contrasting color on mast (commonly referred to as black band) to signify maximum sail area as per measurement certificate. This is mandatory but appears to not be looked at, practically with some European countries.

*Dagger boards after exiting bottom of hull must not go outside 2.3m rule or inside .75m from centerline rule in all positions until fully down. I found a number of new boats at our Australian Championships that had the tips of “J” & “Z” boards outside 2.3 m just after exiting the bottom of hull.

There is a diagram covering this aspect in Measurers’ Guidelines. Skippers of these boats had to shorten tips to comply. Two DNAs that had retrofitted Z boards also had the same problem. I would suggest that any retrofitted boat be carefully checked, as the board tolerances are very tight.

I have also been advised that some “J” boards may go outside the .75m rule as well when going down but have not seen this here. We had no issues in Australia with the .75m rule when boards fully down but this needs to be watched as most are right on the limit. Some “C" boards in New Zealand were inside .75m, this was easily fixed by skippers moving stopper further down board. This dagger board issue was one of the major issues that ISAF recently confirmed.

* Rudder winglets, again must fit the 2.3 & .75m rules. We found a number of boats in New Zealand outside 2.3 m and skippers were busy cutting wing tips off. A lot of boats are now retrofitted with exploder rudders. If original gudgeon bolt holes in boat are used in most cases rudder tips will be outside 2.3 m. No issues evident with the .75m rule. We are now staring to see the use of “L” rudders and cassette type, with these you need to keep in mine Rule 3 regarding maximum width of rudder 76mm within 153 mm of bottom of hull. This is covered in Measurers’ Guidelines and a stop or black band type arrangement must be evident if rule is not met.

*All measurements for hull appendages are to be taken in a static position and appendage is to be placed so the least desirable measurement is evident. Basically this means if dagger board or rudder can easily move sideways in plate case or rudder case measurements are to be taken with board or rudder gently held at maximum position

* Cassette type dagger board cases. Unlikely to be seen but keep in mind that cassette does not need to be fully engaged in hull for 2.3m & .75m measurements to be taken. For example if a dagger board is in fully down position in cassette and dagger board and cassette (all part of same hull appendage) is placed in cassette cavity the dagger board must fit within guidelines if placed in the at worst position. Measurement is unlikely to be met if cassette does not engage with hull before actual dagger board exits bottom of hull. This is a tricky one, if you require further clarification please let me know.

*A number of boats in New Zealand did not have ISAF plaques. This is mandatory for all boats built from 1/1/2010.

Hopefully the above will assist and please contact myself if you have any concerns. What would be great with the coming Northern Hemisphere season soon starting is feed back or issues you encounter so that I can share with all the other measurers.

Graeme Harbour
Chairman IACA
Technical Committee
ISAF International
