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Italy: Sergio Vela wins at Dervio, Lake Como

Great report as always Sent by Pier Faccin / Italian Assoc -
Dervio (LC): Sergio Vela wins the A Cat Italian National Regatta in Dervio on the Lake Como

"During last weekend was held in Dervio, on the Lake Como, the fifth round of the A Cat Italia National Regattas Calendar, organized by the local Centro Velo Dervio sailing club. Unfortunately this round was characterized by low participation. The mere presence of the Northern Adriatic fleet, although with only 5 crews, it has not been enough to expand the number of entries of the competitors list who has stop at 22 with 10 Italians, 9 Swiss and 3 German.

On Saturday, the first day of regatta, despite the presence of the Breva, a characteristic thermal wind from the southern direction, with an intensity from 8 to 12 knots, it was completed only 1 race because the approaching of a dangerous thunderstorm. Even, the presence on the race course of several floating obstacles mainly consisting of large branches, due to the abundant rainfall of this crazy Italian summer, forced the Race Committee to give up from calling back all boats on the water. On the following day, with the situation on the lake much improved in terms of floating obstacles and with the Breva wind blowing from 10 to 14 knots, were held 3 beautiful races.

The Swiss Sergio Vela from Yacht Club Ascona has won the regatta by winning all the Sunday races and, discarding the fifth place scored on the first day. On the second step of the podium Paolo Penco, from Associazione Nautica Sebina, followed by Stefano Casadei Circolo Vela Ravennate. In the fourth place Daniele Menegatti from Club Nautico Volano then the Swiss Dominik Peikert, the German Ekkehart Von Selzam, Mirco Mazzini, from Riccione 151 H2O sailing club, then the Swiss Yves Theuninck and Hermann Wallmer and then, for the first ten positions in the standings, Luca Micolitti from Unione Velcoica Maccagno. The complete results are posted in the Calendar section of the website of the organizer sailing club:

Worthy of note is the participation of the new Class A European Champion, the Swiss Sandro Caviezel that, although winning the first race, he then choose to no longer participate to the regatta in order to avoid damages to his Sheurer G7 given the state of the lake.

From the technical point of view it is confirmed once again the usual variety of materials. Except for the Fiberfoam mast, the same choice for the top three finishers, Sergio Vela raced with a new Sheurer G7, with blades and rudders to allow to foiling and a sail from Landenberger One Design; Paolo Penco instead used an Exploder platform, with sail from Ashby Sails. Same choice for the sail from Stefano Casadei which has instead used a DNA platform. The conditions on Lake Como were such as to make possible the foiling in the downwind legs; however, only the new G7 Sheurer have actually shown this capability, although not in continuous manner.

Next meeting of the National Regattas Calendar of the Cat A Italia is in Cesenatico on 26th and 27th of July for the 2nd Memorial Maurizio Saragoni organized by Circolo Vela Cesenatico. More information on the website of the Class:"