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IACA international calendar postponed by one year

Dear Presidents of National Associations, Dear sailors, Dear friends,

As a consequence of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, our major events of 2020 (European Championships in Cadiz/Spain and World Championships in St-Petersburg, Florida, USA) are enduring great risks of cancellation or very limited participation. In coordination with the presidents of the respective national associations and the organisation teams of Cadiz, St-Petersburg, Toulon and Punta Ala, we have decided to postpone the IACA international calendar by one year.

Diary dates - Worlds Punta Ala : 3-10/9/22

The IACA committee has accepted the proposal of the "Associazione Italiana Catamarani Classe A" for a Worlds Championships to be held in Punta Ala, Tuscany, on 3-10 September 2022. Our Worlds 2015 held at the same place are in our memories as a great sailing event, and we look forward to go back to this great location in 2022.

I take this opportunity to thank the team behind this successful bid : Thomas Andrew Daddi, Stefano Sirri and Marco Gaeti, along with the crews of Centro Velica Punta Ala and Punta Ala Camp & Resort.

An invitation to the 2020 Worlds!

Dear global A-Class sailors,

As chair of the 2020 Worlds, I would like to personally invite you to participate in the best organized ACAT sailing regatta to date.

The North American A-Class fleet has been the fastest growing single hand sailing fleet in our continent, as we just held our most successful North American Championships to date, last October.

2019 - Review of the year.

As 2019 draws to a close, it’s usual that we reflect on our ‘A’ Cat year, and as we are spread globally, the end of one region’s season is usually the start of someone else’s.    As we all harness a particular metrological phenomenon, we cannot be blind to the fact that for many of us, the climate is in a state of flux and that appears to be frequently, in some regions, giving us more winds at either end of our class envelope rather than those winds nicely in the middle as we used to remember.  Regattas were blown off and other regattas were brought to a litera