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'A' Cats save lives!

This is a true A Cat story from Andrea Ferrarri.


Giorgio Marchetto, called "il Bafo", a great fellow who is sailing on the Venice lagoon, at the age of 70 goes sailing almost every day, enjoying the beauties of the lagoon and the pleasure of his A Class.

Last Sunday during a nice trip through the islands, he had a heart attack, which could cost him his life.  It was only thanks to his cold blood and the speed of the catamaran that he managed to get back to the shore unaided and fast, just in time to be hospitalized and got life saving treatment.

Dave Shaw wins NZL 2018 Nationals.

2018 New Zealand National Championships.

Held at Wakatere Boating Club, Narrow Neck Beach, 8th - 11th February, 12 scheduled races, 10 sailed.  Dave Haylock reports.

Day 1 - The whole regatta had strong winds predicted with likely the worst to be seen on day one.

The fleet numbers were down to 13 this year, some put off by the forecast and a few racing in other classes that weekend.

Worlds 2019 Official Website Launched

The official site of the 2019 World Championships has been launched.  The event, to be held at the former 2012 Olympic venue of Weymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy, will be over the week 24-30th August.  It will be preceded, the previous weekend, by the UK Nationals, a good opportunity for some last minute match fitness.  

However, as it is also a holiday weekend in the UK, it is advised that you get your accommodation booked early to avoid dissapointment.

A-Cat Class Rules rewrite

As you might know, the Class Rule rewrite was taken of the agenda for the 2017 WGM at the Sopot Worlds. The main reasons for that was a new contact we got assigned at World Sailing, found some issues in complying with the World Sailing template, which would cause them to not being able to approve the rule rewrite.

These issues have now been fixed along with incoorporating the World Sailing Interpretation from 10th of August on Thilo Kellers foil system.