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Caveizel victorious in the Garda Euro Spring Cup

This years European Spring Cup was as usual perfectly organised by Circolo Vela Arco - and the weather decided to be with us this year with racing for all 3 days.  Tom Bojland reports.


36 competitors from 10 nations where competing in the typical 8-15 knots of breeze.  Due to the northerly course being used by another class, we were further south with slightly less wind, completely flat water and with more tactical decisions to make.


German Nationals in Schwerin.

The German nationals where held in Schwerin with the beautiful 16th century castle as a backdrop.  This race report  from Christian Shaefer, and later from Thomas Paasch.

This years German nationals (April 28th -April 30th) have been hosted by the Schweriner Segler Verein on lake Schwerin.

Important - Your vote on the new rule rewrite.


Dear members of National Associations,

The Technical Committee of the IACA has provided a major effort to rewrite the class rules to be modern, in line of World Sailing recommendations, and to include interpretations into clear and concise instructions. The new class rules have been accepted by the extraordinary WGM of 21.4.2018 with 107 yes, 0 no, 3 abstentions. As for constitution §11, the process is continuing with a world-wide ballot among the members of the National Associations.   The new rules are here.

Minutes of the IACA Extraordinary World General Meeting

An extraordinary WGM took place on 21.4.2018. The single agenda item was a vote on the class-rules proposal. The result of the vote is : the new class rules are accepted by the presidents with 107 yes, 0 no, 3 abstentions.  As for constitution §11, the process will continue with a world-wide ballot among the  members of the national associations. Members will be informed on in due time.

European Championships Warnemunde 2018

The final starting places per nation are now available and advised in terms of the Championship Rules Appendix 1.3.6. I would like to thank each country President for their assistance in this matter. To date we have 97 confirmed places, which is a fantastic figure and continues to show the strength of the class on the world stage. Each country will have now received advices on how to proceed with individual registration and payment.
