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Classic Division Regatta to be planned at Marström HQ

Marström Classic A-cat Cup is an event open for all Classic A Cats out there.  An invitation from Ulf Tjernberg to join an interesting regatta.  

Since Foiling hit the class, more and more classic boats have stopped tuning up for the recent major events.   Therefore we want to test an all classic event.  This is a chance for everyone who still uses their boat to come and race, and the initial interest is strong. Participants from Sweden, Germany, Italy and USA already expressed their intentions to come. The event will stretch over four days, with the added possibility to come and practice during the five days before the regatta. Racing will take place in Loftahammar, the back yard of Göran Marström´s head quarters.

Göran is at the center of this event as an icon of Swedish multihull sailing, member of Swedish Sailing Hall of Fame 2015 and a strong participant for this race. 

The intention is to make this the race of races, with great racing in all conditions during the days and an ambitious social program after racing.

More information will be launched on the webb and pre-registration is already open.  Ulf Tjernberg