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Calabria victorious (just) in the 2nd ITA national race series

Giovanni Calabria wins the National A Class regatta organized by the Centro Velico Sunset. Lorenzo Bianchini and Vittorio Bissaro respectively on the second and third place on their debut in the 'A' Class - reports Pier Faccin.

During this weekend at Calambrone, near Livorno, the second stage of the Cat A Italia’s Calendar was held at Centro Vela Sunset. With 31 registered helmsmen, this event has somehow redeemed the quite slow start of the new ITA season seen at the Vele di Pasqua event. 

Very nice weather conditions brought the “maestrale”, the strong sea breeze that, blowing with strength from 10 to 16 knots, resulted in a perfect weekend for sailing with the completion of all six scheduled races. 

Great success for Giovanni Calabria, the current Italian Champion, who gave his best against two "neophytes" in the Class, - Lorenzo Bianchini and Vittorio Bissaro, both very well known in the sailing chronicles for their last Olympic campaign, and finished just behind Calabria, the Associazione Nautica Sebina’s seasoned helmsman. 

A good win for Giovanni, who was able to overcome his immediate pursuers in an exciting head-to-head race, which was resolved in his favour thanks to a bullet in the last race of the series. With all crews on the podium having an equal score, nine points each at the end of the series in an impressive balance of values, Giovanni won on count back. 

Right behind, an inspired Stefano Casadei, who was always close to the top three, chased by Paolo Penco and Giuseppe Colombo, both also very fast. Then, a little later, Alberto Farnesi, Stefano Sirri, Andrea Ferrari and Daniele Menegatti for the first ten positions. Full rankings are available on the Centro Vela Sunset website ( 

From the technical point of view it is interesting to notice that all top-three crews have used same equipment: a pretty new Exploder platform, equipped with Fiberform mast and Bryt Sail sail. 

It is worth noting the excellent organization of the Centro Vela Sunset. And particularly appreciated by all the crews, the operations of the Race Committee which was directed effectively by their President Mr. Andrea Bimbi. 

The next National Regatta event will be organized by the GDV Lega Navale Italiana in San Benedetto del Tronto on the 20th and 21st of May. Additional details are posted on the website of Cat A Italia (