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Class rule rewrite

At the 2016 WGM in Medemblik, the Technical Committee was given the task to rewrite our current Class Rules, to clean them up and make them fit current World Sailing standard. This is now in place.

The Technical Committee, lead by Thomas Paasch, has done an impressive work during the last months. I would like to express my thanks to them.

As for the IACA constitution ยง11, the proposal must be supported by at least 3 National Associations and submitted 3 months before the WGM. This is also in place and the change is officially submitted for the WGM in Sopot. The next steps will then be a vote during the WGM by the presidents, and if it gets a majority of 2/3, a world-wide ballot will be organized, which would again require a majority of 2/3 to be accepted.

Questions regarding the content of the new class rules should be addressed to Thomas Paasch <>.

Questions regarding the voting process should be addressed to Charles Bueche <>.

The proposed Class Rule Rewrite along with an info letter and a FAQ section can be found here.

I hope you will support us on this very important project for the class.

Kind regards,

Charles and the IACA committee