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Important clarification on rudder measurement

A clarification on measurement, released by the IACA Technical Committee.

Rudder Hanging Interpretation.

An Interpretation  (No.7) was added to our class rules some years ago to define rudder hangings. The purpose at the time was to not allow gantry type arrangements or excessively large gudgeons with the sole intention of moving the rudder assembly further away from the hull.  Balance adjustment of rudder angle is still allowed by the adjustment of the top gudgeon effectively rotating the blade around the lower one with the blade moving no further aft at this point or the movement of blade within rudder assembly by the way of small packers etc.

With the advent of cassette type rudder boxes a request was recently received to allow the rudder cassette to have the ability to move further out from both the upper and lower gudgeons to assist with boat trim. This request was denied in terms of present interpretation due to it artificially extending the overall length of the rudder assembly from the hull.

The class is going through rapid change with what seems like new ideas occurring on a weekly basis. Manufacturers and sailors alike need to keep in mind that we must operate within our present guidelines.

Rule changes are allowed but they must take place in terms of our constitution.

Graeme Harbour

Chairman IACA, Technical Committee.  

(Measurers please take note.)

Photo Sandor Roka