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Nordic Championships

20 A-Cats from Sweden and Denmark where entered for the 2012 Nordic Championships in
Borstahusen/Sweden, but unfortunately only 15 showed up. During the 3 days from the 17th to the 19th of august, 15 races where sail in light to moderate winds, and very sunny and warm weather.
The best Swedish sailor Pontus Johnsson missed out on the first day of sailing, making it
impossible for him to reach the podium. There was a close fight for the placed
2, 3 and 4, that first got decided in the last race.

Top 3 after 15 races, 2 discards
1. Thomas Paasch/Denmark, 17 points, Nikita/Fiberfoam/Ashby
2. Lars Schrøder/Denmark, 52 points, Tool/Fiberfoam/Glaser
3. Steffen Bay/Denmark, 52 points, Flyer II/Fiberfoam/Glaser