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Spanish Nats 2015 for Manuel Calavia

Manuel Calavia finished third overall at Punta Ala Worlds 2015 behind Glenn Ashby & Mischa Heemskerk. Manuel sailed had a quite consistent & versatile performance from 5 to 18knots , placing him as a serious contender for next year Worlds at Medemblik.

Past weekend Calavia won the 2015 Spanish Nats held at Garraf , 20km south of Barcelona. Only two races were completed and Manuel won both, the first one in 10-12 knots and the second with 6-10knts. manolo reports full foiling downwinds legs in the first race  and a 5 min gap over the second place and a 3 min gap in the 2nd race with a final floating downwind leg and 3 mins gap. 

Manolo commented he felt his sailing was super solid after the racing and sailing done at the Worlds 3 weeks ago. 

Spanish Nats Full Results at…

Check below an Interview with him made at Punta Ala , where he speaks on the downwind tecnique in different winds and also on the status of the local Spanish fleet.