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GPS live tracking at the worldchampionships

Dear All, Together with the University of Aarhus we are planning to broadcast the event via internet, using gps tracking and live video streaming – more or less the same setup we did at the 505 Worlds last year… see also The main strategic reason to this is to make sailing more “understandable, viewable and shareable” – in other words, more popular. We all know, very few people (besides competitors themselves) really see nor understand sailing , and we have therefore for some years, together with the Aarhus University worked on different projects, in order to create our own media platforms which will help us make sailing more understandable. The GSP tracking system itself of course can also be used as a safety device as well as Race Management and Jury can use the system as support. This was in very short words, however we will make a more precise description of the project shortly before the event. Kind regardsThomas
Edit: Replay of the races is available here:,
the event website is here: