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Danish Nats 2015 for Guido Schulte

All images by Emil Landry,  report sent by Lars Schroeder:

"The Danes were back at the very nice sailing club in Kaløvig, where the Worlds were raced in 2011.

Weather gods looked in our direction for a first day with perfect racing in 6-8 m/s, , flat water and sunny skies. Good mix of flying and non flying boat in front.

Second day, more sunshine, enjoyable atmosphere at the harbour, food and good coffee. But no weather gods didn´t care for the sailors that day !

Guido Schulte won the series in a standard DNA with C-boards, Peter Boldsen second on a DNA with Z-boards and Lars Schrøder 3rd place with a C-board Vision. 

Newcomer Mathias Bruun was fast in his Exploder after only 6 weeks in the boat, but lacked some stability, that will surely come with more hours on the water"--