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Official IACA Rule Clarification on US & CAN Assoc rule voting

May 24, 2015 - Official IACA Rule Change Clarification 

We have been advised of recent postings in the social media advising that the members of the USA & Canada International A Class Catamaran Associations have voted to suspend rule 8 for two years to learn more about foiling. As you would all be aware, a similar proposal was placed before the World AGM in New Zealand last year and not approved by the Country Presidents under the IACA Constitution’s voting process.

The International A Class Catamaran is an international class managed by IACA under its Constitution and ultimately ISAF who must confirm all changes submitted by IACA.

The USA & Canada Associations do not have the power under the IACA Constitution to approve any changes to the class rules. Constitution Rule 11 clearly notes how such proposals are to take place and this must be adhered to.

The IACA Committee is certainly not against change but we are empowered by all our members to make sure any change is made in the correct manner.

To summarize, all International A Class Catamarans competing in any event as International A Class Catamarans must adhere to current measurement rules as posted on the IACA website.

Andrew Landenberger

IACA President

Graeme Harbour

Chairman IACA

Technical Committee