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Australian Winter East Coast Championships @Wangi, June 6-7, 2015

Image: Juliew Hartwig - || Bob Griffits from the Australian Association reports on the coming Class activity, this time for the East Coast Winter Championships.
Report by Bob Griffits: "Although winter will soon descend in the lands down under, the Australian A Class fleet has no intention in sitting out the cooler weather in some form of hibernation. Many sailors are very keen to master their foiling techniques, and many have been quietly modifying their boats to incorporate any of the increasing repertoire of hydrofoils that are now available.

Australian winters are very mild by European and North American standards. We don't do ice or snow. Temperature is not a limiting factor, it is more a case of the winds being either too light or too strong.

Once again, the Australian A Class Fleet will be gathering at the Wangi Amateur Sailing Club on June 6 and 7 for a six race regatta. We will be joined by the Moths , 49ners, and several other classes.

The Moths will have a higher top end speed, having had years of hydrofoil evolution, and a less restrictive rule structure. In the lighter winds the A's will prevail. Moths are a rather sad sight in winds below 8 knots, when those large T foils are kind of a drag.

A good size fleet of A Cats is expected, with the New South Wales fleet strongly supplemented by quite a few Victorian sailors migrating 10 degrees of latitude north from the
Melbourne winter chills.

The person to beat will once again be Steve Brewin, although Scott Anderson and several others there to make sure that it will not be an easy road"

Bob Griffits.