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North Americans 2015 @St. Andrews Bay Yacht Club: May 18-22

The 2015 North Americans will be held may 18-22 at St Andrews Bay Yacht Club, Panama City, Florida.
Last year the event was hosted by Sail North Carolina with 60 boats in the lineup. Additional containers from Europe have arrived since and we expect the US fleet to continue its solid growth and participation.

Check the official website with plenty of data from the event at
FB Page at
NOR available at

Regatta Schedule below:
Friday, May 15th:
Early Arrivals – All Day

Saturday, May 16th:
0900 – 1200: Check-In (Sailing Center Building)
1300 – 1700: Optional Coaching Clinic (separate registration and fee)
TBD: Measurements: on site as provided and scheduled by Class Measurers

Sunday, May 17th:
0900 – 1200: Check-In (Sailing Center Building)
1000 – 1630: Optional Coaching Clinic (separate registration and fee; includes lunch)
TBD: Measurements: on site as provided and scheduled by Class Measurers
1800: Evening Social Event offsite in St. Andrews area of Panama City

Monday, May 18th:
TBD: Measurements: on site as provided and scheduled by Class Measurers
1000 – 1200: Check-In (Sailing Center Building)
1330: Practice Race first warning
1830: Welcome Party at Private Residence*
*Check-In also available at the Welcome Party

Tuesday, May 19th:
Complimentary PB&J Bar Open before racing
1000: Skippers Meeting
1230: First Warning, with back to back races scheduled
After Racing Refreshments (on the lawn)
1800: Evening Social Event offsite in Downtown Panama City

Wednesday, May 20th:
Complimentary PB&J Bar Open before racing
1230: First Warning, with back to back races scheduled
After Racing Refreshments (on the lawn)

Thursday, May 21st:
Complimentary PB&J Bar Open before racing
1200: Spectator Boats Depart the Dock
1230: First Warning, with back to back races scheduled
After Racing Refreshments (on the lawn)
1830: Regatta Banquet (Upstairs Ballroom)

Friday, May 22nd:
Complimentary PB&J Bar Open before racing
1230: First Warning with back to back races scheduled
1730: Awards Ceremony (Club Lounge/Back Deck)