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Italy: Luca Maffesoli continues winning streak @Maccagno

Report Sent by Pier Faccin:
Maccagno (VA): Luca Maffessoli wins again an A Cat Italian National Regatta
The impact of the so-called Summer Storm, the cold air pulse that crossed Italy during the last weekend, did not prevent the success of the National A Class regatta organized by the Unione Velica Maccagno Sailing Club. In the beautiful location of Lago Maggiore, all six scheduled races have been completed. A sunny day on Saturday, with a thermal wind which has blown from the South in the range from 5 to 10 knots; cloudy sky instead on Sunday with no rain and a northern wind with an intensity from 8 to 14 knots.

Associazione Nautica Sebina’s Luca Maffessoli, with this success became the only protagonist of this agonistic season, now entered in the core phase. Luca won the regatta because he was the only one which correctly interpretated the unstable wind which characterized all the races, especially the satuday's ones. He won three races on Saturday and never drop below the third place on Sunday, when it has always been close to the German Helmut Stumhoffer, winner of two races, and the club-mate Giovanni Calabria, who won the last race. After Stumhoffer and Calabria, on the podium in that order, the Swiss Sergio Vela, then the Francesco Marcolini, Alessandro Beretta, the German Mark Goetz, Teo Di Battista, Daniele Menegatti and the Swiss Dominik Peikert, for the first ten positions.

The excellent hospitality of the Unione Velica Macagno Sailing Club had the main event on Saturday night with a Social Dinner which was highly appreciated. Not exactly a positive note of the regatta, the absence of the fleets from Tuscany, Lazio and Sicily, perhaps kept away from the a.m. bad weather forecast. The mere presence of the Romagna's fleet, here at the starting line with 5 crews, as well as the one of 8 foreign crews, equally divided between the Swiss and the Germans, has been not enough. The crews' list stopped with 25 entries in total.
Worthy of note is the kind of magic combination made by the Fiberfoam mast and the Landenberger One Design mainsail which has been used by the top three. The only difference was the platform which has ranged between Exploder, DNA the Sheurer respectively chosen by Luca Maffessoli, Helmut Stumhoffer and Giovanni Calabria.The final ranking list along with a very nice photo gallery are already on line on the website of the organizing sailing club (

With this regatta the Italian A Class national race calendar reached its fourth round in a total of seven. After the A Class European Championships, which will take place in France, more precisely nearby Bordeaux, in the Lacanau Hourtin Lake from 21st to 28th of June, the next date for the will be on the 12th and 13th July in Dervio on the Como Lake at the Centro Vela Dervio. More information on the Cat A Italia's website: