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Swiss Assoc: 'Criterium Regatta' 2014 for Sacha Wallmer

All Images by Nicole Meylan -- 19 boat fleet at Club Nautique de Versoix for the 5th Annual Criterium A-Cat & M3 Regatta.

Tight fight for the podium with Sascha Wallmer not scoring any bullet but his consistency with five 2nds out of seven races gave him the 1st place.
2nd overall for Jonsson Kristoffer 1pt behind and 3rd for Sandro Caviezel.
Thanks to Dominik Peikert for the regatta link that reports they had 7 races in perfect weather conditions.
With Sascha and Sandro using the new Scheurer J-boards.

Christopher with conventional Dna C-boards but excellent boat handling downwind was 1pt short of the victory.

Great gallery of images by Nicole Meylan Here

Full Results attached & Here
CNV Website at