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WGM Worlds 2014: Changes approved for Constitution, Championship Rules & Measurement Guidelines

At the WGM held 14th February 2014 at Takapuna NZ the following changes to Championship Rules, Constitution & Measurement Certificates were approved. Copies of all updated documents can be found on the IACA website under the IACA Menu (Championship Rules & Constitution) & A-Cat Menu (Calculation Forms & updated Measurers Guidelines)

Championships Rules & Constitition:
Calculation Forms & Measurers Guidelines:

1. Championship Rules:
Rule 1.g. World’s rotation policy added.
Rule 10.c Minimum wind speed increased to 5 knots (approved at WGM Denmark 2011 but championship rules not amended at that time)

2. Constitution:
Rule 11.3 Rule amended to allow ballots to be undertaken by email.
Rule 11.4 Return date of ballots reduced from 15 weeks to 4 weeks in line with email ballots.

3. Measurement Certificates
New three page measurement certificate to take effect 1st May 2014 following request from a number of countries to simplify measurement certificate procedure. Pages relate to hull, mast & sail, with sail form now having provision for a number of black band measurement. Purpose of change was for each certificate to relate to actual boat part, which is identifiable by ISAF Plaque Number, Mast Serial Number & Sail Number. All forms are in an excel format to automatically calculate mast & sail area in need.
Forms to be completed in conjunction with current measurers guideline.