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World EGM Proposals and Adoption Procedures

Yesterday, the first votes took place on the 3 proposals from various National Associations.

The results were as follows;
1. Change of Constitution to relocate the IACA.
Passed unanimously.

2. USACA's proposal to delete Rule 16 from IACA Championship Rules.
For - 66
Against - 21
Abstain - 9

3. Poland's proposal to change Class Rules E.3 and E.4.
For - 34
Against - 56
Abstain - 6
Not Passed

96 association votes were present

However, all present believe that the proposal idea was essentially a good one, it was just that insufficient time was available to properly understand and analyse the possible implications of such a potentially major change. They were encouraged to try again, but with more specific wording. This is where the Technical Committee, headed by Paul Larsen, would come into play. We need to think of the TC as ‘our lawyers’, whereby we always run ideas past them to look for any potential pitfalls or implications. They are an advisory body, they don’t make the rules, and they just try to protect us from potential class destroying rules emerging by doing a thorough examination of them. They are our friends.

This is a good time to understand exactly how the procedure for such rule change proposals are actually done in reality, in order to avoid confusion as a result of ignorance of the class constitution, World Sailing procedures and avoid leading to argument and criticism within our class.

The procedure is as follows;
1. The National Associations will vote, in their allocated block vote numbers. This must reach 66% of votes for ‘In favour the amendment’ in order to proceed.
2. There is next a World Ballot of all financial members within all associations as recorded by IACA in 2021. This must also reach a 66% majority in order to proceed.
3. The proposal is then sent to World Sailing for their approval.

WS will be looking for an easily understood rule with definite measuring parameters and not subject to the personal interpretation of measurers. This is the procedure that has kept this class, which we all love so much, going and thriving, for over 60 years and avoided the dreaded ‘law of unintended consequences’ taking over.

This is why we are also extremely fortunate to have our Chief Measurer, Graeme Harbour, to be able to go all through this with a fine tooth comb, and with his attention to detail and in-depth knowledge of the association’s rules and constitution. We are relying upon him if we are not to run foul of World Sailing so it not to be thrown out at the last hurdle. Again, he is our friend.

We must all this correctly, then we will get what we desire and nothing will arrive as an unexpected surprise. This way the class could survive at least another 65 years.