RSS 50.1(c) Harness implementation now pushed back to 2025
Following the Mid Year Meeting of World Sailing, the submission to delay the "M07-22 / RRS 50.1(c) – Quick Release Trapeze Harness" implementation, due to start in Jan 2023, has been postponed, upon the request of many classes including ours, and it has been accepted by World Sailing during their Mid-Year-Meeting 2022. As such, the Rule 50.1(c) now does not take effect until 1 January 2025. The ERS (Equipment Rules of Sailing) will be amended by World Sailing as well.
The rule would have imposed a requirement for a fast trapeze hook release system to be used on racing classes competing. As yet there is no certified, tested, reliable, and totally maintenance free system available on the market to buy, and for diverse other reasons, a submission was made to delay the introduction of this rule. This gives manufacturers and certification boards time to explore a 100% reliable and allow safe system to be developed in a less pressured time frame.