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Updated Measurers Guidelines

Dear Measurers,

Further to my recent email on rudder gudgeons the Technical Committee has undertaken an update of the Measurer’s Guidelines to incorporate this information. A link to the updated version is attached. In conjunction with the update a new Hull Measurement Form has been approved by IACA and is to take effect from 1st June 2019. It is available in either Excel or Numbers and links are attached. Please update your computers or destroy any paper copies you may have and utilize the new form.  The previous hull form was lacking in a number of measurement areas and now requires separate measurements for hull, rudders & dagger boards. It has also incorporated the .3m from the stern measurement which was not on the previous form. In regards to this measurement and with the trend to now have adjustable rudder rake, care must be taken when taking this measurement. Rule E.5a is very clear but you have two areas were this .3m distance could be breached. Most systems rotate around the bottom gudgeon so you must ensure that when you look for the maximum measurement you utilize the full range of adjustment. In the fully out position (maximum lift) the top of the rudder assembly will move further away from the stern and distance from the closest highest vertical hull point can not exceed .3m.  Consequently in the fully in position (minimum or negative lift) it will push the bottom tip of the rudder blade out to its maximum position. The greater of these distances will need to be noted on the measurement form. Also take care with the actual rudder gudgeon, many retrofitted systems may use the existing gudgeon on an adjustable arm. In the case of the Exploder gudgeons many have an oblong hole that allows the rudder box to move back and forward within this hole.  You need to ensure at measurement that “at worse” measurement is taken.

The Classic Discipline rules are still on a trial basis and pending finalisation, please use the comments box to record the minimum chord radius and maximum distance of dagger boards under boat. Link to these trial rules attached.

Should you have any queries or concerns please contact the Technical Committee or my self at


Graeme Harbour

Chief Measurer IACA…………