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Second day at the AUS Nats, the weather was the winner in the end.

The Race Committee had planned to run three races today, but it was not to be.  Bob Griffits reports

Unfortunately, the weather forecasters were correct, and their predictions of light winds out of the west eventuated.

The morning was characterised by drizzling rain, which at least helped to encourage a good participation attendance at the class AGM.

West winds are turbulent in nature by virtue of their transit large distances across the vast Australian interior, which at this time of year is extremely hot.

These winds when they tumble down to the water surface splay out in the form of gusts, which vary considerably in strength and direction. Usually these westerly winds are strong, but this one remained light.

Racing was delayed until about 1400 hours due to the fickle light nature of the wind.

Glenn Ashby cleverly read the very difficult wind patterns, and managed to stay in the pressure to clearly lead by the top mark. After rounding the mark, he was up on his foils, and away. A little later, Steve Brewin rounded and set off in a flying pursuit.

Glenn displayed a masterly execution of all the elements of sailing: boat handling, trim, tactics, and an uncanny ability to read the wind. He was never headed.

Glenn and Stevie cleared out from the rest of the fleet, and indeed lapped many competitors, including some whom are very good competitors.

Adam Beattie was a very distant third place, with Dave Shaw fourth. There after came a very slow procession, in a dying breeze.

It was a long hot race. A sea breeze eventually came in to help blow the tail enders back to the rigging area.

We are now a little behind schedule, but that is often the nature of our sport which is dependent on whatever nature decides to throw into the equation.

Three races tomorrow, starting at 1100 hours.