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Official 'Classic' definition confirmed

We now have an official definition of the 'Classic' A-Class Catamaran.  IACA President Charles Bueche explains.

Dear class members & fellow sailors,

During the WGM in Sopot, we have accepted the definition of the classic division.

Long-term members who have contributed to the success of the class but not wanting to jump on the latest foiling engines are welcome to sail within this division with their classic boats. The next world championships in Australia has committed to accept and encourage the classic division as a part of the class. And be ready for the best : if the conditions defined by World Sailing (25 entries, 5 countries, 2 continents) are met, we can even crown an “A Class World Classic Champion” !

The definition of the classic division is available 'here' and in the championship rules folder. It’s now up to our classic members to support this initiative.

I wish our southern hemisphere friends a successful sailing season, and those in the “cold and wet” north, a good rest in anticipation of the nice sailing days we will enjoy in 2018.

Kind regards,

Charles and the IACA committee