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The circus moves on.

Following the conclusion of the 2017 A Class Catamaran World Championship in Sopot, Poland, responsibility has moved onto Australia, to organise the next World A Class Championship.

Planning is well underway for the 2018 event, which will be held at Hervey Bay, in south eastern Queensland. Bob Griffits reports.

Hervey Bay is located approximately 300 kilometres north of Brisbane , and falls just a little short of the Tropic of Capricorn, so the climate is essentially tropical. The weather in November is reliably dry, with moderate south east trade winds.

Fraser Island, the world largest sand island, separates the Hervey Bay venue from the large expanse of the South Pacific Ocean.

In winter, Hervey Bay acts as the birthing centre for a large Humpback whale population, but by November the mothers and their new calves are well on their way back towards the waters of the Southern Ocean for the Antarctic summer for the annual banquet of krill.

The large Australian fleet of A Cats should be well represented at the 2018 Worlds. We are also expected a good sized contingent from our neighbours across the Tasman Sea in New Zealand , and no doubt Dave Shaw is taking aim to improve on his forth place overall obtained in Sopot.

Indications are evident that the USA will also be well represented, particularly with the enthusiastic guidance of Baillie White. The upgrading of status of the "Classic Fleet" should also encourage America participation, as support for that division remains strong.

The challenge will be to encourage a large fleet of Europeans to make the journey. The event will of course be held in the European off season, but the concept, or more importantly, the mindset of travelling the significant distance from Europe to Australia will need some coaxing , and perhaps even a little arm twisting to enhance European participation.

The logistics of container transportation are relatively simple. ( After all, we Australians do it every nine out of ten years when the World Championships are held well away from our shores).

And the plane travel? Well the trick is to book well ahead to get the best price deals. The plane trip is really no big deal, as you don't have to actually fly the thing, merely just eat, drink, sleep, read, watch a movie, or listen to a movie .

So come Down Under. Warmth, wind, Sandy beaches, and the country which has produced so many A Cat World Champions.

And thanks to Polish organisers for setting the new benchmark in A Cat Championship organisation.