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World AGM Agenda.

IACA World General Meetings Agenda - Sopot, Poland    

Date : Wednesday 23 August 2017, 20:00     Location : Sailing Club Navigo

1. President's Report

2. Secretary's Report

3. Economic Report and presentation of accounts and budget

4. National Association and Fleet Reports

5. Election of Officers and I.A.C.A. Committee

  • 5.1 Secretary until 2020
  • 5.2 Committee members

6. Membership Fees

  • 6.1 Status
  • 6.2 Proposal to use Paypal to transfer fees for countries without SEPA

7. Selection of venues for World and Continental Championships

  • 7.1 bid for 2020 Europeans in Puerto Sherry, Cadix, Spain
  • 7.2 other bids for 2020 Europeans
  • 7.3 call for interest for 2021

8. Proposals, received by the secretary from National Associations, World Sailing or other institutions.

9. Regulatory and Technical Affairs (Alterations in the I.A.C.A. Constitution,Championship Rules, Ballots etc.)

  • 9.1 DEN proposal : deletion of championship rule 16 (2/3 majority)
  • 9.2 IACA championship rules rewrite (2/3 majority)
  • 9.2 IACA class rules rewrite (2/3 majority + ballot)
  • 9.3 three year trial for the “classics division” (simple majority §8.5)

10. Various

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