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German Nats 2015 @Lake Achensee for Bob Baier

German Championship 2015 at Lake Achensee - Report sent by Georg Reutter - 

"It was a good idea to have the German Championship in the Northern alps, one week after the Italian Championship at lake Garda. So People could have a round trip and there were 34 competitors from Poland, Switzerland, Denmark and Austria.

On the first day, there was only a light northerly and Bob, Thilo and Katrin could show their performance on C-board boats. A warning of incoming thunderstorms stopped the racing for the day.

On Saturday, there was a mixture of light and stronger winds, Bob, who was sailing his Nikita did best, Thilo came second and Helmut third.

On Sunday morning, there was only a light southerly blowing, and Matthias and Georg did well there. Sunday afternoon we finished off with a strong notherly, the flying boats had a clear advantage and Tymoteusz Bendyk from Poland came in first.

Helmut and Thilo did their own Match-Race, which Helmut could defend for himself and put Thilo on third overall.


  1. Bob Baier – NIKITA - CBoard

  2. Helmut Stumhofer – Scheurer G7 - JBoard

  3. Thilo Keller – ARROW – CBoard

  4. Tymoteusz Bendyk – Exploder – JZBoard

This Championship showed the classic boats had a little overall advantage over the flying boats.

Therefore we can still compete and race together, regardless what type of boat we sail !!

The best sailor will win anyway."


Thanks to the Sailing Club, TWV Achensee, for the excellent organisation, good food. Thanks to the people who mad this possible.

Marco GER21/ Georg GER2