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Aussie Nats start at Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club

The AUS Nats gets underway. AUS President Bill Michie gives us a quick report for the action.

A beautiful sunny day greeted competitors, fifty four of them, for the first day of the AUS Nationals.

With the forecast 12 to 18 knots, as predicted by the AUS President many weeks ago holding true the fleet experienced what can only be described as champagne sailing.

Some might disagree as some big shifts and holes in the breeze were to found.

Regardless all had fun and as usual the cream of Aussie A Class Catamaran sailors rose to the top.

Bundy on top in the foilers with three straight bullets and Landy leading the Classics.

#lakecootharabasailingclub #aclasscatamaran #aussiesailors #russelwittphotograthy


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